Awkward political idea: Let's save Tanzmesse!

I have been attending internationale tanzmesse nrw in Düsseldorf for over twenty years. As an exhibitor with a stand at the fair, I have been able to attract international attention and numerous readers and customers for my dance magazine tanznetz.


Venice Biennale will honour Twyla Tharp and Carolina Bianchi

This year the International Festival of Contemporary Dance La Biannale di Venezia decided to honour two outstanding female personalities. The Golden Lion will be awarded to American choreographer Twyla Tharp for her lifetime achievement, and the Silver Lion to Brazilian performer and director Carolina Bianchi. This year's festival will run from 17 July to 2 August.


Chybí v našem Diáři nějaká premiéra nebo repríza, o které by ostatní měli vědět? Napište nám o tom a pomozte nám tak zaplnit taneční diář.